

2013-12-25    藍藍設計的小編

轉載藍藍設計(   m.ibut.com.cn  )是一家專注而深入的界面設計公司,為期望卓越的國內(nèi)外企業(yè)提供有效的   BS界面設計 、 cs界面設計 、  ipad界面設計   、  包裝設計 、  圖標定制 、  用戶體驗 、交互設計、   網(wǎng)站建設 平面設計服務


如果您想訂閱本博客內(nèi)容,每天自動發(fā)到您的郵箱中,   請點這里 


UI(用戶界面)與UX(用戶體驗)是密切聯(lián)系的,優(yōu)秀的UI界面首先就能從視覺上給用戶極好的體驗,今天我們從Drrible和Behance上挑選了50套用戶體驗超棒的UI界面,包括了睡眠APP、天氣APP等等,還有對Facebook、Instagram、Ebay等應用的扁平化再設計,都非常棒呦!如果你正在設計UI界面,那么可得好好借鑒學習一下,希望能給你帶來靈感 : )


1. 設置面板

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-1

2. 移動菜單欄

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-2

3. 隱藏面板

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-3

4. 收音機概念設計

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-4

5. 健康APP的界面

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-5

6. 統(tǒng)計界面

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-6

7. 飲品界面

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-7

8. 極簡主義與扁平化栗子

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-8

9. 房源APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-9 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-9

10. 登陸表單

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-10

11. 儀表盤面板

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-11

12. 互動界面

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-12

13. 睡眠軟件

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-13 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-13

14. TriplAgent的品牌及設計

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-14

15. 分析App

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-15

16. Facebook

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-16 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-16 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-16

17. 天氣APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-17 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-17 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-17 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-17

18. iOS App Liga Moche

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-18

19. 翻譯APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-19 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-19

20. 時間提醒APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-20

21. Graph screen

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-21

22. 時間提醒APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-22

23. Capital One App

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-23 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-23 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-23

24. 聊天APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-24

25. LiveProfile IOS版 重新設計 

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-25 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-25

26.  移動 App

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-26 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-26

27. eBay App 扁平化設計

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-27 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-27 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-27

28. 極簡

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-28 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-28 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-28

29. Facebook – App 再設計

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-29 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-29 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-29 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-29


Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-30 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-30

31. 設置界面

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-31

32. 統(tǒng)計界面

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-32

33.  APPMidia  IOS版

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-33 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-33 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-33

34. 日記APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-34

35. Manage your boat


Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-35

36. 換裝APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-36

37. Infomatic iPhone App

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-37

38. ZAP 

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-38 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-38

39. iPhone 聊天界面

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-39

40. 記賬APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-40

41. 6nCASE  再設計

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-41

42. Android Feed

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-42

43. 路標APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-43

44. Transporter App

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-44

45. 旅行APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-45 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-45 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-45

46. HTWK Leipzig – iPhone App UI

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-46

47. Instagram 扁平化設計

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-47

48. 天氣APP 

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-48 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-48 Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-48

49. 時區(qū)APP


Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-49

50. 三星智能家居APP

Flat Mobile UI Design and UX-50





藍藍設計的小編 http://m.ibut.com.cn


揭西县| 镇江市| 本溪市| 玛沁县| 滨海县| 梅州市| 清水河县| 永胜县| 缙云县| 满城县| 阿瓦提县| 交口县| 渭南市| 德令哈市| 萨嘎县| 乌审旗| 蒙阴县| 南开区| 石首市| 阿拉尔市| 无极县| 神池县| 平舆县| 安达市| 白山市| 宣城市| 五华县| 云浮市| 信阳市| 陆良县| 汕头市| 霍山县| 铅山县| 忻州市| 莲花县| 东平县| 蒙山县| 宜黄县| 峨山| 横山县| 东城区|