
UI設計師大禮包!2014年最全的ANDROID GUI模板和線框圖免費下載

2014-9-30    藍藍設計的小編

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編者按:距離上次分享GUI模板有很長時間了,這段時間里設計趨勢不斷變化,谷歌推出了的Android L以及全新的界面設計,UI設計師又有得忙了,今天收集了一組實用的GUI模板和線框圖,包含的Android4.4,Material Design,Android 可穿戴設備等等,控件全面,拿來即用,建議收藏待用呦。

Android UI XHDPI Template(Sketch)

Android UI XHDPI Template

Android UI Design Kit 4.4 (PSD)

Android UI Design Kit 4.4 PSD

Android GUI Template (Sketch)

Android GUI Template Sketch

Material Design for Android (Sketch)

Material Design for Android

Android L Tablet UI Whiteframe Template (Sketch)

Android L Tablet UI Whiteframe Template Sketch

Android 4.2 GUI Template (Sketch)

Android 4.2 GUI Template Sketch

Android L Contacts User Interface (PSD)

Android L Contacts User Interface PSD

Android Vector Wireframing Toolkit (AI)

Android Vector Wireframing Toolkit AI

Android Wireframe Kit (Sketch)

Android Wireframe Kit Sketch

Android Wireframe Screen Flow Template for Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 4 (PSD)

Android Wireframe Screen Flow Template for Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 4 PSD

Android Wear GUI Elements (Firework PNG & PSD)

Android Wear GUI Elements Firework PNG PSD)

Android Wear Stencil (OmniGraffle)

Android Wear Stencil OmniGraffle

Android Wear Smartwatches Stencil Kit (OmniGraffle)

Android Wear Smartwatches Stencil Kit OmniGraffle

Android 4 Black Wireframing Stencil (Omnigraffle)

Android 4 Black Wireframing Stencil Omnigraffle

Android UI Mockup Templates from GUI Toolkits

(Illustrator、Fireworks、Axure、OmniGraffle、Visio、Keynote and PowerPoint)

Android UI Mockup Templates from GUI Toolkits Illustrator, Fireworks, Axure, OmniGraffle, Visio, Keynote and PowerPoint

Android L Icon Grid System (AI)

Android L Icon Grid System AI

Android L Icon Grid (PSD)

Android L Icon Grid PSD

Material Design Icon Templates (AI)

Material Design Icon Templates AI




藍藍設計的小編 http://m.ibut.com.cn


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